Elden Ring

Conquering Elden Ring with Frenzied Flame Madness

Elden Ring, the highly acclaimed action RPG, has captured the hearts of players worldwide. In the vast and challenging world of Elden Ring, players often embark on various challenges and unique playthroughs to test their skills and creativity. In this article, we’ll delve into a thrilling adventure where the player conquers the Elden Ring using only frenzied flame, a build focused on Madness damage.

The Unconventional Journey:

Our protagonist begins their journey by selecting the Confessor class, a choice made for its high starting Faith, strength, and dexterity. The goal? To utilize weapons, incantations, and summons dealing Madness damage exclusively. The path starts with acquiring the Deaths Poker, but not before correcting a previous mistake, as shared by the player.

Arming Up:

To access the weapon capable of dealing Madness buildup, our hero lures Vike, an invader in the Church of Inhibition, off a cliff, sacrificing themselves to gravity. This grants them Vyke’s Warspear, setting the stage for the frenzied flame journey. Overcoming challenges such as the Grafted Scion and the Knights Cavalry, our protagonist obtains the required stats to wield their newfound weapon.

Initiating the Madness:

The journey takes a dark turn as the protagonist seeks out Irina in the Weeping Peninsula, initiating a questline that involves sacrificing themselves and manipulating the environment to achieve their goals. The player strategically defeats adversaries, acquiring essential items like the Flame of Frenzy incantation and the Howl of Shin Ruby.

Encounters and Sacrifices:

The frenzied flame build relies on encounters with powerful adversaries, including Edgar the Revenger and Loretta in the Bellum Church. The protagonist repeatedly sacrifices themselves to gain advantages, showcasing the unique approach to this playthrough.

Challenges and Rewards:

The protagonist faces challenges in obtaining required Elden Ring items, such as the Black Double-Play Helmet with a 0.50 drop rate. Despite the grind, the rewards, like the helmet’s Madness buff, make it all worthwhile. The journey takes our hero through various locations, each contributing to their arsenal of weapons and incantations.

Boss Battles and Triumphs:

Boss battles become intense as the protagonist faces formidable foes like Godric and the Red Wolf of Radagon. Each victory is hard-earned, with strategies involving meticulous positioning, incantations, and well-timed attacks. The fights push the limits of the frenzied flame build, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness.

Completing Questlines:

The protagonist concludes questlines, including Hiatus’, acquiring crucial items and enhancing their capabilities. The narrative takes unexpected turns, adding depth to the frenzied flame playthrough. The protagonist’s interactions with characters like Melina highlight the consequences of their choices.

Boss Showdowns and Perseverance:

Boss fights against Margot, the Putrid Avatar, and the Draconic Tree are grueling tests of skill and strategy. Perseverance is key as the protagonist navigates the challenges posed by these powerful adversaries. Each victory brings them closer to becoming the Lord of Chaos.

The Grand Finale:

The frenzied flame build faces its ultimate test in the final confrontations with Radagon and the Eldenbeast. With cunning tactics, the protagonist overcomes the odds, demonstrating the potency of Madness damage. The climactic battles lead to a satisfying victory, and our hero ascends as the Lord of Chaos.


The frenzied Flame Madness playthrough in Elden Ring is a testament to the creativity and adaptability of players. This unconventional journey showcases the dedication, strategic thinking, and perseverance required to conquer the challenges presented by the game. As players continue to explore Elden Ring’s vast world, unique builds like the frenzied flame add a layer of excitement and unpredictability to the gaming experience.

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