Last Epoch

Last Epoch’s Merchant Guild: Strategies for Success

In the ever-evolving world of Last Epoch, mastering the intricacies of the Merchant Guild can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. From accumulating wealth to acquiring coveted items, understanding the nuances of this system can propel your character to new heights of power and prosperity. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the strategies and tactics essential for maximizing your success within the Merchant Guild.

The Importance of Favor:

Favor stands as the cornerstone of success within the Merchant Guild. Unlike gold, favor holds unparalleled significance as it fuels every action within the system. Whether you’re purchasing items, listing them for sale, or engaging in various transactions, favor reigns supreme. To amass favor swiftly, prioritizing efficient gameplay becomes imperative.

Efficient Monolith Farming:

To accrue favor rapidly, engaging in efficient monolith farming proves indispensable. By selecting monoliths with high monster density and favorable experience modifiers, you can optimize favor gain. Pursuing higher corruption levels, provided your build can handle it, ensures amplified experience gains, thus augmenting favor accumulation. Selecting monoliths teeming with creatures like bugs and spiders and avoiding those dominated by tougher adversaries like diamond matrons enhances efficiency.

Strategic Favor Utilization:

Once favor is amassed, strategic utilization becomes paramount. There are three primary avenues for maximizing favor utilization within the Merchant Guild: selling Idols, engaging in exalting transactions, and targeted item farming.

  1. Selling Idols:

Idols present a lucrative opportunity for garnering gold without significant favor expenditure. By farming monoliths rich in idol nodes, you can amass a plethora of these items. Listing them on the market for modest favor costs can yield substantial returns, especially for sought-after idols like double HP variants.

  1. Engaging in Exalt Transactions:

Exalted items hold considerable value within Last Epoch’s economy. By listing exalted items on the market at bulk prices, you cater to the needs of crafters and players seeking specific affixes. Crafting enthusiasts often require multiple attempts to achieve desirable outcomes, necessitating a steady supply of base items. By providing these items in bulk, you establish yourself as a reliable source within the marketplace.

  1. Targeted Item Farming:

Monitoring prevailing player trends and preferences allows for targeted item farming. By identifying popular builds or sought-after items, you can tailor your farming endeavors to meet market demand. Whether it’s farming specific unique items or crafting materials, aligning your efforts with market needs can yield substantial Last Epoch gold profits.

Combining these strategies enables you to leverage favor effectively, maximizing both wealth accumulation and market influence.


In the dynamic world of Last Epoch, mastery of the Merchant Guild is a prerequisite for achieving unparalleled success. By prioritizing favor accumulation, engaging in efficient monolith farming, and strategically utilizing favor, you can navigate the intricacies of the marketplace with finesse. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a novice adventurer, implementing these strategies will undoubtedly elevate your gaming experience within Last Epoch’s vibrant world. So, venture forth, embrace the challenges of commerce, and carve your path to prosperity within the Merchant Guild.