Throne and Liberty

Throne and Liberty: Dive into the Open World

Throne and Liberty, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that’s been tantalizing gamers with its breathtaking open world and action-packed combat, has finally set sail. But before you jump headfirst into this fantastical adventure, buckle up for a reality check, courtesy of Throne and Liberty Lucent seller MMOexp.

While MMOexp is eager to share his first impressions and guide you through the early access process, he also wants to be transparent about the potential pitfalls. His previous guide for another game got flagged for early access shenanigans, and he doesn’t want the same fate to befall this Throne and Liberty tutorial.

So, let’s navigate the uncharted waters of early access together:

The Early Access Checklist:

Time Travel (Sort of): Set your PC clock to South Korea time. Solisium doesn't operate on Pacific Standard Time.
VPN Voyage: Pack a reliable VPN like Exit Lag or ExpressVPN to mask your location and secure your digital journey.
Account Acquisition: Head over to MMOexp's Discord server (link in the description) for the secret coordinates to purchase a Korean account. Fear not, the website URL itself remains a buried treasure to avoid copyright Kraken.
NCsoft Launcher Lore: Download the NCsoft launcher from NCpurple, but do it under the VPN's protective cloak and with your freshly acquired Korean identity.

Words of Caution from a Seasoned Adventurer:

Launch Day Jitters: MMO launches are notorious for server meltdowns and login queues. Don't take a vacation day just yet. Patience, young Padawan!
Keep Expectations Buoyant: MMOexp recommends viewing this early access as a fun experiment, not a full-blown odyssey. Remember, the game might be a bit rough around the edges right now.
Stay Tuned!: MMOexp plans a live stream to showcase his adventures firsthand. Keep an eye on his channel and Discord for the exciting broadcast.

The Choice is Yours, Captain:

MMOexp provides the tools and knowledge for an early access escapade, but the final decision rests with you. Weigh the potential choppy waters of server issues against the allure of uncharted territory. If you’re a seasoned MMO sailor, you might enjoy navigating the launch-day waves. But for landlubbers, waiting for smoother sailing might be the wiser course.

Beyond the Guide:

MMOexp doesn’t just drop you off in Solisium and say “Good luck.” His Discord server offers a welcoming community of fellow adventurers to share tips, stories, and maybe even some sea shanties. And hey, while you’re waiting for Throne and Liberty to find its sea legs, Please check out MMOexp news page. Learn more about Throne and Liberty guidance and strategies.

So, whether you’re setting sail for Solisium today or waiting for calmer waters, remember, MMOexp’s guide and his friendly Discord port are always there to guide you on your Throne and Liberty journey. Bon voyage!